How should you cope with religious discrimination at work?

Let’s look at this from both sides. First we will consider the potential for religious people to be discriminated against, and will then move to to consider religious employers discriminating against non-religious employees. If an employer discriminates against a religious person on the sole basis of their specific beliefs, there there are consequences because there … Read more

Claim: “God is outside our universe, hence is beyond science”

Adam Ericksen, the Education Director for The Raven Foundation a religious group that promotes non-violence, has recently blogged the rather common claim that God is not part of this universe. My intent here is not to specifically criticise Mr Ericksen nor the Raven Foundation, but to instead highlight it because it is simply one example of … Read more

Weird Claim of The week : “I believe because science has not disproven it”

I often trip up over some rather strange claims being promoted by people who are in reality both decent, reasonable, and intelligent. This week’s example comes from a piece written by Jerry Fogltance, a retired Air Force chaplain and lieutenant colonel. Within his column he writes …  Atheists take pride in claiming that what they believe … Read more

Kenya Refuses to recognise a Kenyan Atheist group

The BBC reports that Kenya has persistently refused to permit an atheist group to register for what is quite frankly an absurd reason. They report … A group of Kenyan atheists say they have suffered “blatant discrimination” after the authorities refused to register their society. They were told the application was turned down because of concerns that … Read more

Is “No Religion” the rising inevitable trend in the UK?

Quite clearly we in the UK are undergoing a huge shift in our cultural thinking. A recent YouGov poll carried out by Lancaster University has revealed that “No Religion” is very much the rising demographic … Of the adult population as a whole, 46% now identify as having no religion (nones) and 44% with Christianity.  The … Read more