The Homeopathy wars … believers vs skeptics

Professor Eduard Ernst, MD, PhD, FMedSci, FSB, FRCP, FRCPEd (yes he really is that qualified), has written a great article in the Spectator about his eventual shift over time from a believer to outspoken critic of Homeopathy. Well yes, I was blogging only yesterday about Homeopathy, and so it might be a surprise for you to see … Read more

Weird Claim: David Gorski is the dark side of the force

So Mike Adams of Natural News (known to many as woo central), has a rather bizarre series of articles in which he attempts to make a series of fraudulent claims regarding his arch Nemesis, David Gorski. Now before we get into the latest updates, you might be wondering who the players are here, so let’s do … Read more

The detox myth debunked

The New York Times has a nice article that very neatly sticks the knife right into the heart of the prevailing detox myth and then twists it a couple of times just to ensure that you got the message … “It’s hard to understand because there is no good scientific evidence that a juice cleanse, or … Read more

Pushing the envelope of gullibility

Since we are deep into the working week, I’ll lighten up a bit today and have a bit of fun. Humans generally tend to not simply take what we find asis, but also often can’t resist the urge to tweak and improve things, and apparently the Nigerian 419 guys are not immune to that urge. To … Read more

Bill Maher promotes a HIV Cure quack

The very short TL;DR; summary is perhaps “yikes”. So I sat down to enjoy the latest episode of Real Time with Bill maher, and was totally floored when he wheeled on Charlie Sheen’s HIV Quack, “Dr.” Samir Chachoua, and then proceeds to interview him. What then emerged were some totally unfounded claims, and so here … Read more

Why is pseudoscience so enticing?

We are awash with pseudoscientific claims that look scientific, dress scientifically, sound sciency, but in reality are not. We need never look too far nor too hard to find an example, and so clearly such public popularity should perhaps cause us to pause and wonder why it is like this, why do so many cling on … Read more

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