There is going to be a Flat Earth conference

flat earth

A local paper reports that Cary in North Carolina is going to host a conference of Flat Earth believers in Nov, and no doubt they will come flocking from all around the globe to attend. There are of course people who promote the idea, not because they actually believe, but simply for a laugh and … Read more

Debunking: Las Vegas Rumours, Hoaxes, and Conspiracy Theories

When something dramatic happens the emergence of wild claims soon follows. Las Vegas has been no exception. If you have a Facebook account then you will have potentially made the observation that almost immediately speculation and even various conspiracy claims started popping up. As an example, once a week on a Sunday I look back … Read more

What happens when the world does not end?

end of the world

Each and every year an end-of-the-world prediction will inevitably pop up. Perhaps the most recently well-known example of this was Harold Camping’s 21st May prediction back in 2011. That one is perhaps famous due to the $100 million that his group, Family Radio, spent promoting it via an advertising campaign that included billboards such as … Read more

Religious moral claims and the is-ought problem


Religious moral claims often boil down to “because the Bible says so”. No attempt at any reason or justification beyond that is offered. Sometimes there are attempts to articulate a religiously-inspired but reason-based moral stance. Generally what you will find is that it is most probably an example of the infamous is-ought fallacy. The what? … Read more

Was 9/11 a controlled demolition?


The TL;DR; answer is no 9/11 was not the result of a controlled demolition. For a slightly longer explanation read on. There are numerous YouTube clips and various websites that promote the idea that the collapse of the twin towers was not in any way related to the fully fueled commercial airliners being flown into … Read more

Can you spot Fake News? (Try the quiz to test your skills) #factitious

The enabler of Fake News is that humans respond to information at an emotional level. We might indeed criticise “them” for living inside an information bubble, but the truth is that we are all as individuals crafting echo chambers to one degree or another by selecting information that agrees with our preconceived views and resisting … Read more