Neil deGrasse Tyson’s dialog with an anti-science journalist

Science writer Ryan Mandelbaum, who was also a researcher at CERN at one point, has published a fascinating exchange that took place between himself, Neil deGrasse Tyson , others, and anti-science journalist Anthony Liversidge. It was not a formal debate, but instead was a friendly backstage spontaneous conversation that Ryan has published in detail because it gives insight into much of … Read more

Claim: ‘Star Trek UFO’ hovering above lake convinces staunch sceptic aliens DO exist

The Express (yes I know, but stick with me here), reports a UFO sighting  … ah heck, let’s just quote what the story says … A MINDBOGGLING picture has emerged of a “Star Trek Enterprise-like UFO” seemingly hovering above a lake. Sceptic Chad Haines, who took the image, was left convinced aliens must exist after snapping … Read more

What makes beliefs that are not true credible?

It is rather popular to promote belief by making an appeal along one of the following lines … Famous person X believes, or has just converted, or simply said something nice about the belief. Lots of people believe this or lots of people are converting and now believe this Individual offers a story about how … Read more

Do skeptics get things wrong about …. homeopathy?

As we all know, skeptics are completely and utterly infallible and never ever make any mistakes. Every single utterance articulated by every single skeptic is “truth” and must never be questioned … right? (If the above just tripped your “twat” alarm, then well done, it is in full working order). Edzard Ernst – 7 Common … Read more

Good Thinking Society Responds to UK MP

UK Member of Parliament, David Tredinnick, is a very big advocate for alternative medicine. His Wikipedia page lays out just how deeply into this he is … Tredinnick supports alternative medicine including homeopathy and chiropractic.[11] In October 2009, he told Parliament that blood does not clot under a full moon; a spokesperson for the Royal College of Surgeons of England warned his colleagues would “laugh their … Read more