Tom Hanks slams cancer quacks

Now here is a nice little snippet, my news filter managed to pluck out a gem from amongst all the usual content-free tinsel and glitter of show-biz gossip within the Yahoo Celebrity category that encapsulates some good critical thinking commentary being deployed by Tom Hanks. First a quick bit of context – Tom Hanks is married to Rita Wilson, … Read more

Changing your mind about Sam Harris and “New Atheists”

I’ve often been astonished at the manner in which Sam Harris is demonised. Various claims abound about him being Islamophobic, racist, a bigot, etc… and yet when you dig into what he is supposed to have said, it often turns out to be a rather stark contrast to what is actually being said. To give … Read more

Insight into a couple of “Get rick quick” scams

The UK’s Mirror has a rather good article (yes really, the Mirror) that exposes a couple of fraudsters who are conning gullible people. So lets take a quick tour of each in turn. Simon Stepsys – “Buy my plan and get instantly rich” The first in our rogues gallery is a chap who claims that he can … Read more

The scope of atheism does not include cosmology

A rather common claim that often pops up is the assertion that atheists believe that something came from nothing. Here is a specific example within the Christian Post … It seems atheists would much rather believe that something came from nothing, than to believe that Someone has always existed. Of course both beliefs are a matter … Read more