Dr Oz Claim: Kids born during pandemic are developmentally delayed
Dr. Oz popped up to abuse a pre-print of a scientific paper purely for personal gain. His track record of bad advice is long established.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Dr. Oz popped up to abuse a pre-print of a scientific paper purely for personal gain. His track record of bad advice is long established.
Would a reputable pharmacist sell you sugar pills or sugar water and claim that it would magically cure you? If you discovered that, you would quite rightly scream “fraud”. It could never actually happen … right? Wrong. This is a very regular occurrence, not just in Canada, but globally. I’ll come to the CBC story … Read more
UK’s Skeptic magazine has announced 2021 Ockham Awards. One goes to somebody for doing good stuff. Other recognises worst pseudoscience.
Lance Wallnau talls a story about waking a man out of a coma. Was this an actual supernatural event or is there something else going on here?
Homeopathy is not a variation of a herbal cure, it is something else. The remedies used are some of the most bizarre concoctions imaginable.
Each year I put up a posting related to 9/11. It is perhaps a reflection of the date being burned into my brain. Key moments in history are like that, we often remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we hear about something truly impactful. In the past I’ve written about … Read more