Claim: “You are a fool if you do not believe in god”

Franklin Graham, son of the more famous Billy Graham and also CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, has written an article in which he claims that those that do not believe in God are fools. Since he has a quote from the bible that says this is so, then I guess it just must be true … Read more

James Randi responds to a Letter from a Priest

I came across an article on the JREF site that was posted yesterday and is all about a letter that Randi received from a Catholic Priest along with some cheap religious trinkets. Published also for us to all enjoy is Randi’s brilliant reply. The letter from this Priest is everything one would expect. It contains lots of … Read more

Interview with James Randi : “Homeopathy: trickery or treatment?” Yesterday 22nd Feb

In the context of the question Homeopathy: trickery or treatment? – you know the right answer, or at least I do hope that you do, and so what is of more interest to us here is that Jonathan McCrea speaks to the world’s most famous skeptic, James Randi who is now 85, on his Irish NewsTalk radio … Read more

Ethics, Morality and Gods

A rather common claim made by different belief systems is that they not only hold the high moral ground but that they also have the ultimate incarnation of ethics. Associated with this is usually the seconds claim that beyond the boundary of their specific belief resides a wasteland of no ethics or morality but instead … Read more