Prayer – How can it possibly work, the concept is incompatible with a God Hypothesis

When faced with circumstances or events that are completely beyond our control, war, disaster, accident, or health challenges, involving either ourselves or others, then a quite common human instinct is to attempt to gain control of the completely uncontrollable by attempting to seek assistance from a supernatural entity – we call that “prayer”. The concept … Read more

The “Certainty of Faith” vs “Skepticism”

The beating heart of modern science is skepticism, or to be more precise, Scientific Skepticism. This essentially means that when presented with a claim, is it not simply accepted, no matter who said it or how profound it might be, but instead you challenge the idea and ask if there is verifiable evidence that confirms it. This … Read more

Claim: “Proof that God is Real” from Zakir Naik … er no, not really.

Zakir Naik

I was presented with some “Proof that God is real” by a Muslim eager to convert me. So what did this “proof” consist of? If was a YouTube clip by a well-known Islamic apologist called Dr. Zakir Naik. If you are familiar with him, then this is the point at which you face-palm, because this guy … Read more

7 Tools for Thinking – Daniel Dennett

Cognitive scientist and philosopher Daniel Dennett is one of America’s foremost thinkers, and also one of the four horsemen (In 2008, four prominent atheist authors got together to discuss religion and their positions. The DVD was entitled “The Four Horsemen“, the others are of course Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. Ever since then, … Read more