Will Aspartame Kill You?

I do confess to having a bit of a conflict of interest here. I drink rather a lot of Diet Coke, a can or two per day, and so I seriously have to examine my thinking and ask if confirmation bias is kicking in when writing to assure you that Aspartame is totally safe. Is … Read more

US Maternal Healthcare is truly shocking

Julia Belluz writes in Vox about the state of maternal healthcare in the US. The article entitled “California decided it was tired of women bleeding to death in childbirth” contains the following graph that sums things up … Let me emphasise what this is telling you. Between the years 1990 and 2016, the numbers of women dying … Read more

How can you have a truly healthy heart?

Is it possible to simply change your lifestyle and diet in order to gain a heart that has no clogged up arteries right into old age? The BBC reports on the results of a new study that confirm that the answer is yes,  … The healthiest hearts in the world have been found in the … Read more