Homeopathy effective for 0 out of 68 illnesses, study finds

The British Humanist Association has posted to Facebook a link from the Independent that was published last February … It is estimated that the NHS spends about £5 million of taxpayers’ money each year on homeopathy – a long-discredited ‘treatment’ involving water and sugar pills devoid of any medicinal properties – at the same time … Read more

Bill Maher promotes a HIV Cure quack

The very short TL;DR; summary is perhaps “yikes”. So I sat down to enjoy the latest episode of Real Time with Bill maher, and was totally floored when he wheeled on Charlie Sheen’s HIV Quack, “Dr.” Samir Chachoua, and then proceeds to interview him. What then emerged were some totally unfounded claims, and so here … Read more

An explosion of Virgin Births is happening in the US

I’ve come across an article that dates back a couple of years within the British Medical Journal, and is a study that reveals that 1 out of every 200 women in the US who are pregnant, claim to have done so without ever having had any sexual intercourse. Do we have lots of little Jesuses and gangs of shepherds roaming … Read more

This week’s Insanity: Invitation to a Chickenpox party

One manifestation of the rising tide of the non-scientific anti-vaccine movement has been the arrival of the pox party. The idea is that when somebody has a kid who has chickenpox they hold a party and invite all their friends around so that their kids can catch it and thus get it all over and done with early. … Read more

Claim: Bacon is as bad as smoking and will give you cancer

As I’m sure you are aware, scary sounding headlines (“Processed meats cause cancer“) have been popping up all over the place, and some of it is more than slightly over the top and not warranted by the actual research. Here is the Express Headline … OK, the short summary is this : “eating Bacon is … Read more

An Example of a “Hey, that’s odd” discovery.

Isaac Asimov is often credited with the following quote, and while I’ve never been able to confirm that he really did say or write this, it still does resonate with many … “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!) but “That’s funny … Read more