Calif. residents sue homeopathic manufacturer, claim products do not work as advertised

Generally, if something is sold and does not do what it is claimed to do, then there will be repercussions, but we still live in an age where there are a few exceptions to that, which itself is indeed rather odd. One such exception that is often granted a free ride has been homeopathy, the … Read more

2015 Nobel Prize: Physiology or Medicine

It is once again the time of year when the Nobel Prizes are awarded, and so each day this week we will be hearing about an award for one specific category. The roadmap is as follows: Mon 5 Oct – Physiology or Medicine Tues 6 Oct – Physics Wed 7 Oct – Chemistry Thur 8 Oct – Literature Fri 9 Oct … Read more

Is belief in Homeopathy a moral test?

Ian Dunt writes in Politics UK about how homeopathy provides a moral test because it functions as a litmus test for belief in objective truth. His argument rolls out as follows … There’s no point going into the research – there’s nothing left to say. Homeopathy is no more effective than a placebo. So when people … Read more

Trading Standards take action on ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’

The Good thinking Society was, like rather a lot of people, more than a little bit concerned that a conference promoting snake oil was being run in Farnham to defraud people desperate for a cure, Now I don’t literally mean Snake Oil, but rather something that is far more dangerous, a product branded “Miracle Mineral … Read more

BBC has exposed a fraudulent autism cure

OK, let’s cut to the chase, drinking bleach does not cure autism, because that is essentially what MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) is, and so when you drink this stuff the vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea, that it induces is not the product working, but is instead your bodies way to giving you a rather unsubtle “you have got … Read more

An attempt by a medical Fraudster to gag a skeptical activist is failing

Both the Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast, Science-Based Medicine, and many many others, are quite openly critical of the various absurd claims that are promoted by charlatans as supposed miracle cures. One specific example of this is the criticism of the promotion of perispinal etanercept (Enbrel) for a long and apparently growing list of conditions that it … Read more