Ramadan 2015 – rule changes

Ramadan 2015 starts on Thursday, and if this is something you are not familiar with, then I’ll explain briefly. It is a fairly important religious observation practised by many Muslims and involves fasting from sunrise until sunset, and to be clear, when I say fasting, I mean no food or drink. One specific observation about Ramadan … Read more

Claim: Atheism is a faith

The right-wing intellectual David Horowitz, previously a left-wing intellectual who changed his mind in the mid 80s, makes a rather strange religious claim … Atheists are closed to faith. Or to put it more accurately, atheists are devotees of a faith that God does not exist. The atheist faith fosters contempt for religious belief and denies … Read more

Zionists stole my shoe – #MossadStoleMyShoe

Asghar Bukhari is the founder of the controversial Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK), a group that has made headlines by promoting an anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist conspiracy theory agenda. Well, the news is that all of that past attention now pales into insignificance when compared to the truly bizarre Facebook posting he has put up. In it he claims … Read more

An attempt by a medical Fraudster to gag a skeptical activist is failing

Both the Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast, Science-Based Medicine, and many many others, are quite openly critical of the various absurd claims that are promoted by charlatans as supposed miracle cures. One specific example of this is the criticism of the promotion of perispinal etanercept (Enbrel) for a long and apparently growing list of conditions that it … Read more

Ex-Muslims – Feeling The destructive force of belief

When belief takes root within the human mind it can blind individuals to the things that truly matter. BBC Newsbeat talked to Sara, an Ex-Muslim, about her experience of no longer believing … “You feel like you’re betraying everyone. Because no one leaves Islam,” she says. She says they kicked her out at 17 and she’s not … Read more

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