Emma Watson’s speech at the UN provokes backlash against her – #HeForShe

Emma Watson, yes from harry Potter (she will no doubt carry that association for the rest of hurt life), has made a speech at the UN a couple of days ago that has provoked quite a  reaction. She called for all men to be slaughtered and demanded that the UN immediately proceed with this plan … Read more

Christians enable distribution of Satanic Activity books to Florida schools

This is simply hilarious and is indeed a lesson in people not really understating the consequences of their actions. The  Friendly Atheist blogs about it all and starts by setting the scene as follows … In January of 2013, World Changers of Florida, Inc. held Bible distributions at a number of public high schools in Orange County, … Read more

Former ‘Militant Atheist’ converts and becomes Christian

So yes, finding a headline claiming “Militant Atheist converts” is perhaps click-bait, and yet I’m always curious to understand what makes people tick. The specific article in question comes from TheBlaze, and that fact alone should motivate you to question the accuracy of anything it says at all. Why? Well, let me put it this way, … Read more

Ian Paisley is gone

The news has been announced that Ian Paisley has died, and as is usual when somebody passes away, he is being given a bit of a whitewash, for example the Guardian story about him being a peacemaker. There are perhaps a few things we should pause to consider because they might not be the focus of … Read more

Kevin Sorbo ticks yet another box on the road to complete lunacy

Yes, the actor Kevin Sorbo (pictured above playing Hercules) had done it again, and has managed to tick one more box on his journey down the road named “Complete loony street”. OK, let’s have a quick recap and see where we have been so far prior to this latest blooper… we had a silly anti-atheist rant here (18th Aug) … Read more