Brian Dunning

Much has been said by many and much of what has been said is quite frankly not factual, or is perhaps misleading due to the omission of specific details. Perhaps it might be best to simply point to the statement that Brian has issued himself. He explains … On August 4, 2014, the judge sentenced … Read more

Who actually owned the copyright to a picture

Above is a fabulous picture of a grinning female macaque – so who actually owns the copyright for this? Is it the person who owns the camera, or the person who borrowed the camera and took the picture? In this case, because it is in dispute … the answer is supposedly nobody and so it is claimed … Read more

Live Million Dollar Challenge at #TAM2014

I’m attempting to write a few notes on the JREF Million dollar paranormal challenge as it actually happens here at #TAM2014, and so right now I’m sitting here on the front row waiting for things to start. Every year at TAM (The Amazing Meeting) a live million dollar paranormal challenge is conducted and anybody who … Read more

A few sample pictures from #TAM2014

Having taken lots of pictures, I’ve taken a quick glance and plucked out a sample of six … (feel fee to help yourself). First, we have the Amazing one … … and of course it is George Hrab, who has done a fabulous job filling in dead air with laptops refuse to play … Marriette … Read more

Daft Claim: Congressman Can Prove God Exists With A Simple Equation

It always strikes me as more than a little bit odd when somebody pops up and claims that they have “proof” that god exists. Think of this this way, take the specific religious claim and replace the word “god” with something else such as “pink unicorns”, “magic” or “elfs” and the claim would simply result in … Read more