How to be truly obnoxious

I never cease to be amazed at how a deeply embraced belief can motivate some individuals to behave in a truly abhorrent manner. Now you are perhaps thinking that I’m talking about religious belief, and perhaps I am because some religious people can behave towards others in a deeply offensive manner, for example by declaring that all … Read more

Is Guerrilla Skepticism OK?

Guerrilla Skepticism is a team led by Susan Gerbic that consists of Wikipedia editors who have a specific focus on improving the quality of the available information. In fact they are quite open about what they are all about, and have their own website here where they invite anybody to join them, and describe their goal to … Read more

Bizarre Award: Pat Robertson Claims Atheist Who Won’t Believe Might Be Demon-Possessed

For some reason Pat Robertson just keeps popping up. He has a remarkable gift for coming out with some truly weird and wonderfully whacky stuff that leaves you perhaps wondering, “Nah, he just can’t get any weirder” … and yet give him a few weeks and sure enough, up he pops to robustly verify that … Read more