peace on earth: Is the world becoming a better place, or worse?

A rather common religious claim is that by default humans are violent and that without the moral guidance of a god, our natural instincts will lead to great darkness and evil … cue citations for Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc… and you are then advised either implicitly or even explicitly that this would be you if you do … Read more

Irish Politicians break promise to reform Blasphemy laws

Ireland rather absurdly has a Blasphemy law, and this is not some archaic dictate inherited from the dark ages, but was introduced in July 2009 by the then Fianna Fáil-led government. Enacting something like this as recently as 2009 would appear to be truly bizarre, because nobody was demanding it should happen, and nobody was particularly bothered about the lack … Read more

Teenager sent to jail in Turkey for the crime of calling for secularism

You may have heard about the story of a teenager in Turkey who was sent to jail for apparently insulting the president. Now the words “teen” and “insult” might conjure up in your mind some rebellious kid yelling unprintable abuse at a well-respected politician, but that is not what went down here, this is something … Read more

Ban of Humanist Weddings in UK a political decision by the tories

The news is out, Number 10 has made a decision that Humanists don’t matter and are just a fringe group so there is no need to pander to them in order to win votes. The British Humanist Association sums it all up here … The British Humanist Association (BHA) has responded with shock and disappointment at reports … Read more

A Sikh Principal, Too English for a Largely Muslim School

Balwant Bains (pictured), was the head of  Saltley School and Specialist Science College in Birmingham, but because of utterly unreasonable pressure applied by the Muslim-dominated school board he quit. Yes, it is “that” school, the one that made all those headlines. What is new is that he has now given an interview about what happened and so you can read it … Read more

Maryam Rajavi speaks out against the lack of basic human rights in Iran

Maryam Rajavi, pictured,  is the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Recently while speaking at a conference attended by senior representatives of the European Parliament from various political groups last Wednesday, she exposed Rouhani’s stance as a supposed moderate to be fraudulent … Mrs Rajavi referred to the bloody record of the velayat-e faqih regime … Read more