Fallacy of the week: “They” (ISIS) are not “True” Muslims

The “No true Scotsman” ploy is an informal fallacy that is commonly deployed in order to maintain a specific position. For example … Person A – Islam is a religion of peace Person B – But what about ISIS? Person A – Ah but they are not “true” Muslims. Who first pointed out that “no true scotsman” was … Read more

Ian Paisley is gone

The news has been announced that Ian Paisley has died, and as is usual when somebody passes away, he is being given a bit of a whitewash, for example the Guardian story about him being a peacemaker. There are perhaps a few things we should pause to consider because they might not be the focus of … Read more

Daft Claim: Congressman Can Prove God Exists With A Simple Equation

It always strikes me as more than a little bit odd when somebody pops up and claims that they have “proof” that god exists. Think of this this way, take the specific religious claim and replace the word “god” with something else such as “pink unicorns”, “magic” or “elfs” and the claim would simply result in … Read more

Some thoughts on Iraq

There is of course much that is being written by many as both Syria and Iraq rip themselves apart and so while this latest turn of events might appear to be a surprise, it should not be. This is because the sequence of events that is playing out is the inevitable consequence of the belief … Read more