Electronic intercepts and law enforcement – mining Big Data

As I watch the rising tide of rage being directed against the authorities because of their use of electronic intercepts, I cannot help but wonder if there is some form of social alzheimer’s at work. Glenn Greenwald, writes in the Guardian … “Who is actually bringing ‘injury to America’: those who are secretly building a massive surveillance system or … Read more

“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion” – When the Anti-Choice Choose

Joyce Arthur,a political activist for abortion rights and women’s rights, has a truly fabulous article that she wrote in some time ago that I’ve only just come across it. It is about what happens when those opposed to a woman’s right to choose are suddenly faced with a choice that they deny others. In 2000 she … Read more

Egypt needs a revolution

Thomas L Friedman, the Pulitzer prize winning American journalist, columnist and author who writes a twice-weekly column for The New York Times has a few things to say about Egypt, not from the comfort of his own plush office in that city, but on the ground in Egypt, because he went to find out what … Read more

Does secularism really matter? Yes, and Turkey today is an example of what can happen if you do not agree.

Lets start be understanding what the term secularism does and does not mean. It does not mean that all religious beliefs should be banned, because unlike many forms of belief that will not tolerate non-belief or other beliefs, secularism is just about the separation of church and state. Why does this matter? Well because the … Read more

“there is a problem ‘within Islam'” … says Tony Blair

These days it is politically correct in some quarters to not criticise beliefs, perhaps because doing so it too close to racist xenophobia. It is of course true that extreme right wing groups such as the EDL (English Defence League in the UK) tap into the fear instilled within the minds of many by events such as … Read more