EPA Update: How is Scott Pruitt getting on?

Scott Pruitt

If you were to ask Scott Pruitt how things are working out then the answer you get might not exactly reflect the reality of what has been actually happening. You need to ask his employees to get to the truth. The word that actually sums things up is … (insert drum roll here) … “dysfunction”. … Read more

Updates on Juli Briskman who got fired for flipping off Trump?

Juli Briskman

You are probably aware of the story of Juli Briskman who flipped off the Trump motorcade. As explained in a Guardian article … Juli Briskman was cycling in Virginia last month when she offered the gesture in a gut reaction to Trump’s policies, she said. “He was passing by and my blood just started to … Read more

The Religious response to the Danica Roem win in Virginia

Danica Roem

The award winning Journalist Danica Roem stood for election to the Virginia House of Delegates last Tuesday (7th Nov 2017) and she won. There are a couple of key points to note there … Her Republican opponent was Robert G. Marshall, the long standing anti-LGBTQ advocate who wrote the now infamous “bathroom bill” that would have banned transgender individuals … Read more

Who is not part of the Paris Agreement?

Not too long ago I was writing about the news that Nicaragua had signed up to the Paris Agreement. At that time that left only two nations outside – the US and Syria. That has now changed, Syria has signed up. #COP23 BREAKING NEWS: #Syria has announced it will sign the Paris Agreement! This will leave … Read more

Who represents the US at COP23?

we are still in

There is an official US delegation attending the Climate conference in Bonn, Germany (COP23). Given that they represent a climate change denying anti-science administration, their remit is as insane as you might anticipate. As explained by the New York Times recently … The Trump administration will promote coal, natural gas and nuclear energy as an … Read more