Is Scott Pruitt’s Climate Change TV debate idea a silly one?

OK, let’s cut to the chase, the answer is “yes”, to the question, it is a truly daft idea, and yet it is perhaps also a clever bit of political theatre because it weaves an aura of both doubt and also respectability to an anti-science stance that does not warrant or merit either. Let’s establish … Read more

Ken Burns – 5 Observations on Trump

You might not be familiar with the name Ken Burns. He is the highly acclaimed documentary maker who has been nominated for Academy Awards and has also won Emmy Awards for his documentaries. Perhaps the most famous, which I personally found fascinating and really enjoyed, was his 1990 work The Civil War.  The Interview Ken Burns was interviewed … Read more

Scott Pruitt defends massive cuts to EPA funding

This week has seen some utterly bizarre behaviour by Scott Pruitt who was appointed by the Trump administration to run the EPA. While attending a meeting of the House Appropriations subcommittee that was reviewing the proposed 2018 budget for the EPA, he proceeded to stand up and defend the cuts that would in effect completely gut his … Read more

Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 oppose Trump scrapping Paris agreement

Let’s start with a quick reality check, this is about the results of one poll, so please do digest with a pinch of salt even if you do like what it says. So the Washington Post reports the details of a poll they ran. Just to be wholly transparent here, this is not one of those self-reporting polls … Read more

Trump’s Climatic decision on the #ParisAgreement – #climate

When it coms to all things Trump, I keep grasping for the “Nobody would do something that stupid” thought, and yet time after time he does something that completely resets such expectations. The announcement that the US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement is a classic example of just that, and so his unofficial title of … Read more

Why has politics taken a left-hand turn into the twilight zone? – #trump

We live in a truly bizarre time. When hearing on Sky News that the Whitehouse was on lockdown because somebody had climbed over the fence, I did wonder if it was somebody trying to get out, and to be honest who could blame them if it was. As a reflection of just how crazy things … Read more