New Republican Bill calls for ‘genital-checking’ for public bathrooms.

When you come across some stories of such extreme absurdity then often the most immediate and obvious conclusion is that it just must be satire, and usually that leap is the right call. So try digesting this and getting it past your well honed satire meter … Republicans demand girls flash their vaginas to get … Read more

Noah’s Ark Theme Park is Eligible for Up To $18 Million in Tax Incentives

Is this really true, has the State of Kentucky rolled over suddenly and now supports the idea giving $18 million to an anti-science religious nut who is building a life-sized replica of Noahs Ark? The previous democratic governor of Kentucky, Steve Besmear, is gone and has now been replaced by a Republican, Matt Bevin, a deeply religious guy, … Read more

Noam Chomsky – “GOP Is ‘Literally A Serious Danger To Human Survival”

It is perhaps natural to view those who hold a different political view in a negative light, but the US Republican party has gone way beyond the norm, abandoned all reason, and more or less handed over the keys of their kingdom to a band of complete lunatics. This is perhaps something of considerable concern … Read more

UK Petition Alert: Remove Church of England Bishops from the House of Lords

We have a UK Petition rolling that calls for the clerics within the House of Lords to be removed … With the publication of the Church of England’s intention to sanction the US Episcopal Church over the latter’s sympathetic stance towards equal marriage, the C of E is quite out of step with UK Law … Read more

Is The Church of England relevant anymore?

A recent survey now reveals that only 760,000 attend Church of England Sunday services and so obviously well over 62 million other people don’t. This is all part of an ongoing downward trend that has been happening for quite some time and consists of a 1% drop each and every year since the second world war, and so … Read more

FBI have asked the elderly to stop knocking Oregon militants on their ass

The title says it all, and yes, I confess that I did indeed quite enjoy reading this. The story is about Robert Saunders, a 79 year old retied teacher and devoted birdwatcher, who was out checking on some owls. While doing so he was confronted by an armed Oregon militant who quickly got in his face and … Read more