What is the most potent force that divides humans today?


Bad ideas inspire bad behaviour, but which ideas are the ones that are the most potent today, and divides us? A group of researchers have conducted some experiments to find out. Initially they ran their experiment in the US, but they then expanded the scope by crossing into other nations such as the UK, Belgium, … Read more

Debunking: Las Vegas Rumours, Hoaxes, and Conspiracy Theories

When something dramatic happens the emergence of wild claims soon follows. Las Vegas has been no exception. If you have a Facebook account then you will have potentially made the observation that almost immediately speculation and even various conspiracy claims started popping up. As an example, once a week on a Sunday I look back … Read more

What happens when the world does not end?

end of the world

Each and every year an end-of-the-world prediction will inevitably pop up. Perhaps the most recently well-known example of this was Harold Camping’s 21st May prediction back in 2011. That one is perhaps famous due to the $100 million that his group, Family Radio, spent promoting it via an advertising campaign that included billboards such as … Read more

How should you handle stupid people?

stupid people

What can you do when faced with somebody who is determined to take a stance that is quite frankly absurdly stupid? I have a personal example. While checking into a motel last week in rural Oregon after a long drive, I encountered an elderly chap behind the desk who was quite determined to display an … Read more

How not to communicate … even if you are right?

Getting into somebody’s face and telling them that they are being a F***ing idiot and that they are doing/believing something very stupid is highly effective. This consistently works every time, they always step back and comment, “Yep, you are right“, and then immediately change their position. You have seen that happen all the time … right? … Read more

Why did Jerry Taylor change his stance on Climate Change?

Jerry Taylor was once a very vocal active Climate Change denier. As staff director of the energy and environment task force at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and vice president of the Cato Institute, it was his job be take this stance, but he did this, not because it was simply a job, but because … Read more