Daft Claim: “Atheists are angry because they secretly know God exists and is judging them”

Yep, Mr Sorbo (pictured above in one of his acting roles) is once again off on one of his rants. Least you wonder, the actor Kevin Sorbo, has been getting a bit of a reputation as a complete kook due to his recent spate of outbursts against people who dare to not actually believe in a god. … Read more

State Funds to be used to Keep Noah’s ark afloat

You might, or perhaps might not be aware, that there exists a Museum in Kentucky that vigorously promotes the rather daft idea that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Back in the 17th Century James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, sat down and calculated the age of the earth by using the genealogies contained … Read more

Holly’s attempt to piss off liberals … backfired a bit

Meet Mrs Holly Fisher, a lady who makes her political position rather clear – she is anti abortion, and would like to see Obama impeached. She decided to see if she could tick off a few liberals with this tweet … … and yes those re-tweet and fav counts are real. The expectation was that … Read more

Weird belief – Those who think the bible is all true but are not religious

People believe some truly weird things, and yet even while believing, end up doing something different. My classical example of this concerns those that truly believed that Obama is the Anti-Christ. Now what makes that last one truly weird is as follows: A poll revealed that 13% of the US at the time of the … Read more

Debate: Matt Dillahunty vs Sye Ten Bruggencate

I must confess that I quite enjoy debates, but at the same time recognise they are not everybody’s cup of tea. Perhaps my interest stems from the thought that all ideas should be robustly challenged, especially those that I hold. But then I do also like to view it as an opportunity to potentially gain additional insights into what makes those with religious beliefs tick. … Read more

Sometimes Satire really is the best form of criticism

Lurking out there are people who hold some very extreme and completely insane views. This ranges right across the diversity of belief and includes weirdness such as: Westboro Baptist church protesting outside a department store in their home town because it just happened to sell Swedish made vacuum cleaners. Apparently the Swedish government had rebuked … Read more