Pastor Mike – Atheist = Sex Offender, so lets register them all

I’m always tempted to think that I’ve come across all the variations of idiot, but every now and then somebody attempts to push their boat further out into the unexplored territory of crass-stupidity, and thus proves me quite wrong. Here now is the latest example of this that has just come to light. It comes from a blog run by Pastor Michael Stahl in Florida (Warning, prepare to be offended). He actually wrote this on his blog in Sept last year, but nobody noticed until he recently published a link to it on his Facebook page. Right now, it looks like he has locked folks out of his blog, but here is what he wrote:

Brothers and Sisters , I have been seriously considering forming a ( Christian ) grassroots type of organization to be named “The Christian National Registry of Atheists” or something similar . I mean , think about it . There are already National Registrys for convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..

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Catholic Loon: writes about “The Blind, Irrational Faith of Atheism”

There is a (long) article in yesterdays National Catholic Register (click this link), by a chap called Frank Cronin. Now what makes it interesting is that he was once an Atheist, but no longer is, so this is his attempt to explain why there is something beyond.

He is also qualified, he has a degree in theology and converted to Catholicism in 2007

Side observation: A degree in theology? … Regardless of what many might think, that is almost akin to claiming you have a degree in toothology so you are qualified to do dentistry, I’d contend it is not real education.

Shall we start mocking now … oh come on now, you know this is going to be silly … right? Well, lets take a look.

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Planet of the Apes is a documentary … apparently!!

While waiting to catch a flight this morning, I surfed through a few Facebook groups to see what was cooking. There is one I’m in that can be quite entertaining at times. Now, if you think that there is nobody on the planet loonier than the batshit crazy Christian fundamentalists, well you would be wrong, because the Islamic folks can offer up even crazier stuff. (Its almost akin to watching a car crash at times).

One chap  arguing against evolution proposed that it was crazy to even consider the possibility that we had evolved from apes, and offered as evidence the suggestion that folks should go watch “Planet of the Apes”. …<thud> … Yes, indeed, that sound you just heard consisted of many jaws hitting the floor. There is so much in that thought that is so out of whack with reality that what he was saying was not just ‘wrong’. Normally you can perhaps suggest that we did not evolve from apes, but rather that we and the apes share a common ancestor … but for fracks sake, where can you even begin when faced with somebody who thinks “Planet of the Apes” is akin to a documentary.

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Nobody wants to talk to William Lane Craig and he is crying about it

William Lane Craig, the American Evangelical Christian apologist, wants a public debate during his UK visit. However, the problem he faces is that nobody wants to, (You can see where this is going), so he is claiming that the atheists are scared.

Sigh! …

This month president of the British Humanist Association, Polly Toynbee, pulled out of an agreed debate at London’s Westminster Central Hall in October, saying she “hadn’t realized the nature of Mr. Lane Craig’s debating style.” (thats a polite way of saying that he is a complete kook and really likes babbling mangled pseudoscience).

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“There are no Genuine Atheists” claims an Astrophysicist

Yep, a real Astrophysicist has made this claim … but we are deeply into kook territory here.

Before we get into details, I think I better first introduce you to the claimant. This comes from a chap called David Klinghoffer. He works for the Discovery Institute as a … well, that does not really matter, because knowing that it is the Discovery Institute tells you all you really need to know; its basically kook central for the Intelligent Design movement.

Since it is indeed “them” you know in your heart of hearts this is going to be truly silly (it is), so here we go. He starts out with

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Westboro Baptist plan to fly to Norway and protest at the funerals

Just when you think they could not get any whacker, up they pop to prove you wrong.

Westboro have posted a press release to their website (click here for a PDF of the actual press release) announcing plans to picket the funerals of those who lost their lives when Anders Breivik set off a bomb in Oslo that killed eight and then traveled to the island of Utoya to execute 69 at a youth camp. Its the usual yada-yada insanity that we all expect from them these days, I need not repeat what we are all so familiar with already (if you are indeed not familiar then lets just say that they are so extreme, they make all other kooks look quite acceptable)

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