Iran = Place where watching volleyball earns you one year in jail

It sounds utterly absurd, and the reason it does is because it truly is by any reasonable or rational measure. The BBC has the details … A British-Iranian woman detained in Iran after trying to watch a men’s volleyball match has been sentenced to a year in prison, her lawyer says. Ghoncheh Ghavami, 25, was … Read more

Freedom from Religion vs Freedom from Atheism

There is an organisation whose goals I support called the Freedom from Religion Foundation.  They are a non-profit based in Madison, Wisconsin and they promote the separation of church and state, and educates the public on matters relating to atheism, agnosticism, and non theism. There is also a clone group that attempts to mirror them called Freedom from Atheism Foundation and they promote … … Read more

The top 10 things atheists wish Christians knew

Neil Carter, a former church elder who is now a skeptic and blogs over at Godless in Dixie, gave a great talk last year that was part of the Interview an Atheist at Church Day (May 5, 2013). This specific one was organised by the pastor of the Meadowbrook Church of Christ and is a great … Read more

Really daft claim: “Atheism Is a Religion, and Neil deGrasse Tyson and Cosmos Seek Converts”

Just how truly weird can claims made by serious intelligent people become? The answer would appear to be really really weird, because this latest example is truly quite stunning. David Klinghoffer, an author and Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute, the organization that is the driving force behind the intelligent design movement has written an article within “Evolution News & … Read more

Daft Claim: Criticism of belief is bigotry and is like racism or homophobia

Kashif N Chaudhry, an  Muslim, writes that he carried out a social media experiment yesterday to see if new atheists’ onslaught on Yale Humanist Community was based on principle or prejudice. He concludes that verdict is out, and details it in his latest Huffington Post article. There he writes … Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an extreme anti-Islam critic, well known for her bigoted views … Read more

Claim: “There is empirical evidence for God”

In response to an article published on Oct 19 entitled “Separation of church and fate”, the Rev. Dr. Richard L. Shaw has written a letter to the Asbury Park Press in which he claims … The Oct. 19 article in the @issue section of the Press, “Separation of church and fate,” by the public relations director for American … Read more