What has convinced many believers to not believe? … the bible did.

EA Hanks, a writer based in Los Angeles, has written a very personal article in the Guardian that takes us on her journey from Fundamentalist born again Christian to atheist. In it we find two rather common answers to some truly fascinating questions. Why do people convert and become “born again”? After making that emotional investment, … Read more

Ian Paisley is gone

The news has been announced that Ian Paisley has died, and as is usual when somebody passes away, he is being given a bit of a whitewash, for example the Guardian story about him being a peacemaker. There are perhaps a few things we should pause to consider because they might not be the focus of … Read more

How can anybody raised on dogma and hate choose a different path?

Can anybody born into an environment that immerses them into dogma, irrational belief, and hatred ever break free? It can indeed be a truly challenging journey to make, but the answer is a resounding yes. To illustrate, here is a fabalous example – Zak Ebrahim was just seven years old when his father helped plan the … Read more

The promotion of fake pictures to establish an Islamic conspiracy claim

The above picture is doing the rounds. If in fact you google the image, you will discover that it is all over the place as “evidence” that ISIS are really being run secretly by the US army. As an example, here is a posting of the above on Facebook, that comes with the following text … … Read more

Why are Conspiracy Theories embraced at “truth” within the Muslim world?

Trying to grasp why specific ideas that are complete and utter bullshit are embraced as truth is always an interesting question to ponder over, in fact I was doing exactly that a few days ago, so when I came across an article by Mehdi Hasan (a Muslim) it caught my eye. Mr Hasan, is one of those chaps … Read more

The phantom menace of militant atheism

Nick Cohen has written a fabulous article in the Guardian today. In it he attacks the very idea that there is some moral equivalence that holds sway, and that there is militant religion on one side and militant atheism on the other. He makes reference to some recent cases … the Christian right is rallying opposition to equality with the cry that … Read more