British man and Saudi wife attacked by religious police

Gulf News reports the horrendous story about how the religious police hounded a British Man and his Saudi Wife and then attacked them. The story is that the Brit, Peter Haworth, and his Saudi wife were out shopping in a supermarket, and after collecting the goods they wanted, proceeded to a checkout that was reserved for … Read more

Georgia student’s family disowns and assaults him in nightmarish gay ‘intervention’ video

Meet Daniel Ashley Pierce, a really nice kid who has just been disowned, violently assaulted, and then thrown out of his house by his family. He came out to his family in October last year, then on Wednesday last week, his father, stepmother, mother and grandparents assembled in his father’s house to disown him and cut off … Read more

“Asian” is the wrong word for what happened in #Rotherham

There has been rather a lot of news in the UK regarding the horrendous volume of abuse that has been discovered to have been taking place in Rotherham, by “Asian” men. What has also been exposed is that both the police and also the social services turned a blind eye to it all. Professor Alexis Jay, author of the … Read more

Daft Claim: “Atheists are angry because they secretly know God exists and is judging them”

Yep, Mr Sorbo (pictured above in one of his acting roles) is once again off on one of his rants. Least you wonder, the actor Kevin Sorbo, has been getting a bit of a reputation as a complete kook due to his recent spate of outbursts against people who dare to not actually believe in a god. … Read more

Christian Love in action: “Send people to jail for being gay”

Christianity claims to hold the high moral ground, and those inside the belief truly believe this idea. I should know, I once lived inside an assortment of belief bubbles and well remember thinking how morally safe and snug it was far away from all those outside who were lost and destined to attend god’s supposed little human … Read more

What motivates people to sign up for ISIS?

It is rather easy to condemn ISIS, as a collective gang of theocratic thugs who rampage across Syria and Iraq destroying anything and everybody who does not conform to their supposed “truth”, the result is a trail of blood, horror and brutality almost unmatched. I need not dwell too long upon this specific aspect, for they do … Read more