Bizarre Award: Pat Robertson Claims Atheist Who Won’t Believe Might Be Demon-Possessed

For some reason Pat Robertson just keeps popping up. He has a remarkable gift for coming out with some truly weird and wonderfully whacky stuff that leaves you perhaps wondering, “Nah, he just can’t get any weirder” … and yet give him a few weeks and sure enough, up he pops to robustly verify that … Read more

Weird: “Westboro Baptist Church To Protest Fred Phelps’ Funeral, Says Daughter”

Claim: Westboro Baptist church plans to picket the funeral of their founder Fred Phelps Status: False … the Twitter account @MargieJPhelps once really did belong to the daughter of the Rev. Fred Phelps Sr., but no, the tweets were created by @Grampscramps as satire If you had previously seen the claim, then you  might indeed have been tempted … Read more

Moderate Islamic Leader in UK declares himself to be a narrow minded bigot

As you might, or perhaps might not, be aware, the BBC runs a program called “Free Speech” in which current affairs are discussed such an unemployment, immigration, gay rights etc… The format is one that involves going out to different venues within different cities around the UK and directly engaging with the public. In a … Read more

Cosmos under attack

As one might expect, the anti-science brigade in the US, commonly referred to as the religious right, is out in force and has a stake setup in some courtyard ready to burn the rebooted Cosmos. In fact, one can’t help but get the feeling that regardless of the actual content, they were ready to be … Read more

A dying Fred Phelps has been booted out of his own Church

CBS reports that Fred Phelps (pictured above), the founder of the rather vile hate-cult known as Westboro Baptist Church, is “on the edge of death.” and their source is his estranged son … In a statement on his Facebook page, Nathan Phelps, who has been estranged from his father for 30 years, said the senior Phelps was dying … Read more

Promoting Jihad as a violent armed struggle has consequences

Jihad is a double edged sword, and this is not just in the sense that the word has two generally accepted meanings, the first being an inner struggle, and the second being an external armed violent struggle against the enemies of Islam, but also in one other sense as well. Those who promote the second … Read more

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