Christian Furries worried about being persecuted

Reading the title you might perhaps be thinking, “A Christian What?” I’ll start by explaining what Furries are. Many of you already know, but not everybody does. Once we have that foundational understanding in place, we can then jump into the “Christian Furries” news. What are Furries? Basically this is the term used to describe … Read more

Did Dinosaurs and Humans Co-Exist?

Apparently there is solid evidence that humans and Dinosaurs were around at the same time. We will dive into this claim in a moment, but first, I’ll explain why this has popped up on my radar. I was contacted recently by somebody. The individual will remain nameless in order to protect the utterly clueless. A … Read more

Weird Evangelical Claim: Biggest Religion is LGBTQ

The one thing that many evangelical extremists reliably do is to make truly weird claims. Today we have Pastor Mark Driscoll popping up to claim that the biggest religion in the world is LGBTQ. Seriously, this is not parody, and yes, if you are up to speed on such stuff it is “that” Mark Driscoll, … Read more

Scientology asks Supreme Court to enforce membership Contract


When you join a religious group it is common to have terms that you agree to abide by. One of the Church of Scientology terms is that you agree to their arbitration for any and all disputes forever. What happens when you come to your senses and decide, “Nope, this is not for me”, what … Read more