How many consider Religion to be Important?


In the lead up to Christmas, Gallop conducted a poll of people that asked various questions regarding the importance of religious belief. So what did they discover and how does it compare to previous similar polls, is religion in decline? Highlights Religion is important to 72% in U.S., including 51% “very important“ Record-low 46% in U.S. … Read more

Weird Religions News – A Year in Summary


When you mix right-wing politics and religious belief, what you get is a blend that results in some truly weird claims. Each and every week many from this camp pop up to promote complete and utter lunacy. It is also perhaps appropriate to point out that this is not criticism for simply holding a belief … Read more

Evangelicals and Climate Change – What would Jesus do?

evangelicals and climate change

Words such as Atheist, Muslim, Democrat, Republican, or Evangelical are short-cut terms used to describe where we stand on various political or religious issues. Useful as they are, they are also often deceptive because they paper over a vast degree of complexity that rests under the surface. here are a few examples … All Muslims … Read more

Who owns Christmas?


Google the word “Christmas” and you will find the Wikipedia page that explains what appears to be obvious … Christmas “is an annual festival, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ“. The ever so small flaw here is that this is not really true, and so I’ll now explore some of the reasons to explain why it is far more … Read more

Weird Religious News – The Cult of Trump

weird religious news - faith in trump

What inspires people to promote weird religious claims? The generic essence of religious belief is that it consists of supernatural claims that have no evidence and so you embrace these ideas by faith, and not because they are actually true. Why does this happen? Humans generally don’t start with a blank page, but instead inherit … Read more

Weird Religious News – Lies, deceit, and paranoia


Weird Religious belief has quite naturally gravitated towards that rather unique blend of right-wing politics and religion. It is that recipe that has incarnated and inspired intolerance, paranoia, corruption, greed, abuse, and a conscious and very deliberate desire to practise deceit. There are of course many people who are religious and don’t do any of … Read more