Bizarre Lawsuit Claim: School’s Mask Mandate is a “Satanic Ritual”
Lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania claims that school mask mandate is a “Satanic Ritual” and that school has no legal authority to impose it.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania claims that school mask mandate is a “Satanic Ritual” and that school has no legal authority to impose it.
Deeply religious stranger approaches teen girls on beach, tells them they are not correctly dressed and need to cover up revealing swimsuits
Shane Vaughn claims that Believing in Climate Change is a sin and that what is happening is because God is angry with us all.
The rise of the Florida Man meme. It works as a lens to view bible stories with, but behind the existence of this is something deeply serious
Now that Prince Philip has passed, how have those that worshiped him as a God on the distant island of Tanna received this latest news?
What happens to the believers when a God Dies?
QAnon is basically the result of inequality, pandemic, climate and general dystopia driving lots of people over the edge and into a delusion.