Global Warming increases Marine heatwaves

marine heatwaves

Land based heatwaves rather obviously involve an increase in air temperature, but since most of the planet is covered by water then we also have something similar in the world’s oceans – marine heatwaves. The concept recently entered the public’s social consciousness when the following was tweeted … Another sea-surface temperature record was broken today, … Read more

July was hottest Month ever recorded in California

climate assessment hottest july

Each month the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) issues a climate assessment for the preceding month. July’s has now been issued. A highlight is that California had its hottest July and hottest month on record at 79.7°F, surpassing the previous record set in 1931. This is not a PR exercise on behalf of the … Read more

What does the alpha source for “Hothouse Earth” actually tell us?


A paper has appeared in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science) that is attracting a lot of media attention. Titled “Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene” it lays out a possibility that we face a runaway climate hothouse. Note the word I’ve underlined. Many of the media stories highly overhype it … Read more

EPA vs California – The showdown looms ever closer


It has been on the radar for some time now, and as recently as last week I was giving a heads up that this was coming. The EPA has now finally announced that they are rolling back the existing emissions regulations. It’s a proposal, and not a done deal. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking The formal … Read more

At what temperature does it become too hot to survive?


NOTE: An updated and rewritten version of this posting can be found here on Medium. Just how high does the temperature need to get before it becomes too hot for human life to be maintained? It’s actually quite a complicated question to answer and yet there is an answer – 35C – beyond that you … Read more

Can we attribute the heatwave to Climate Change?


Weather and climate are not the same thing. We can and do have weather events that that are extreme. Often such events are attributed to climate, but the subject matter experts generally tend to pause and not make that leap.What about the current heatwave, is that an extreme weather event, or can we attribute an … Read more