Greenland Melt event in July 2019


The rather “shocking” fact is that in summer ice in Greenland is melting. OK, I put air quotes around the word “shocking” to suggest that this is what happens in summer and to hint that we should not be shocked. However, what is currently happening is actually truly shocking the subject matter experts, and so … Read more

Trump’s Affordable Clean Energy rule ‘worse than doing nothing’

The phrase “Affordable Clean Energy” crafts an illusion of progress and also an air of respectability. Numbers have been crunched, and it turns out to be a truly bad rule. Given the observation that the Trump administration has their fingerprints all over this, then that’s more or less guaranteed. Incompetent and utterly inept is not … Read more

Current Climate warming ‘unparalleled’ in 2,000 years

When casually discussing climate change, a rather popular rebuttal often offered by some is the idea that the climate always changes over time and that in the recent past there have been warmer periods. Examples often cited include the Roman warm period (250-400 AD), and also the better known Medieval Warm Period (700-1400 AD). Have … Read more

NOAA: June 2019 Global Climate Report

Roughly about the middle of each and every month NOAA publish a Global Climate Report. The June 2019 version has now been published. Once we reach the end of the month it takes until about now to receive all the global data, carefully check it all, then write up the assessment with precise details. June … Read more

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