The impact of climate change upon coral reefs

coral reefs

New Study reveals that the number of corals settling on Great Barrier Reef declined by 89% following unprecedented loss of adult corals from global warming in 2016 and 2017

What is the latest “State of the Planet”?

WMO State of the Planet

Each year the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) issues their “State of the Planet” report. Because they were founded in 1873 and represent every Meteorological Organization on the planet, all they can do is to be honest and truthful, hence they confirm that global warming is a Chinese hoax. Oh wait, that’s not what this report … Read more

Very few paths to a viable climate future


Climate change is complicated … very complicated, hence understanding what will happen in response the the various possible scenarios in the days ahead is still very much an unknown. Researchers at Turfs university have just published the results of a new study that helps us to grapple with this. Basically it highlights the fact that … Read more