How much Ice is being lost in the Antarctic?


By using satellite data over a period of four decades it becomes possible to work out how much ice is being lost in the Antarctic. So how much is being lost? The answer comes via a new study that has just been published in PNAS on 22nd January 2019. Let’s take a look to see … Read more

Climate change is already disrupting lives


Today I’d like to point you towards a Washington Post article by Zoeann Murphy and Chris Mooney that directly addresses climate change in a truly exceptional way. Because of this, today’s posting is not my normal type of article. This is because the WashPo has done something that is quite different and noteworthy, it is … Read more

Arctic Summer warmest ever in over 100,000 years

arctic tundra

Rapidly receding glaciers within the Canadian Arctic have created an opportunity for scientists to gather samples of the ancient delicate vegetation that has been preserved under the ice. Once exposed they soon start to get destroyed by the wind and water, so before that happened there exists a narrow window in which samples can be … Read more

Greenland Ice Mass melt is Accelerating

greenland ice melt

Shocking new insights reveals that the Greenland ice mass is rapidly melting. The rate of now four times faster than it was in 2003. This will lead to a faster sea level rise. Let’s jump into the actual study and see what it actually tells us. New Study: Accelerating changes in ice mass within Greenland, … Read more

Record Low Sea Ice in Antarctica

sea ice

Since the 1970s we have a very accurate measurement via satellites of what is going on with the extent of the sea ice in both the Arctic and also the Antarctic. It is actually possible to look even further back by using ships records, for example Cook encountered a wall of sea ice when searching … Read more

Trillions of tonnes of Ice Loss and Sea level


There is a new study. Titled “Global sea-level contribution from Arctic land ice: 1971–2017” and published 21st Dec, it lays out the data for the amount of ice loss and sea level rise since 1971. The publication of this study motivated one of the authors to tweet as follows … Quick Summary The study itself … Read more