The Global impact of Melting ice sheets on ocean tides

sea level rise tides

We know that sea level is rising, that has been well-established. In fact we know that the rate of that rise is accelerating, that has also been established. We also understand why sea level is rising. As global temperatures increase you not only have the rather obvious melting of land based ice taking place, but … Read more

Who is not part of the Paris Agreement?

Not too long ago I was writing about the news that Nicaragua had signed up to the Paris Agreement. At that time that left only two nations outside – the US and Syria. That has now changed, Syria has signed up. #COP23 BREAKING NEWS: #Syria has announced it will sign the Paris Agreement! This will leave … Read more

Who represents the US at COP23?

we are still in

There is an official US delegation attending the Climate conference in Bonn, Germany (COP23). Given that they represent a climate change denying anti-science administration, their remit is as insane as you might anticipate. As explained by the New York Times recently … The Trump administration will promote coal, natural gas and nuclear energy as an … Read more

US Climate Science Special Report has been issued

Climate Science Special Report

Last March I was writing about the latest draft of the Climate Science Special Report. This is an Obama legacy that is formally issued by congress every four years. At that point in time it had been formally approved by the scientific community and needed to go through the next phase of political approval by various agencies. … Read more

New UN Emissions Gap report – We must do far more

UN Emissions Gap Report

In yesterday’s posting about the new WGO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin that highlights where we stand with measurements of the Climate Change inducing greenhouse gas emissions, the big highlight is that the rate at which CO2 is increasing has accelerated. This insight quite naturally feeds into the topic for today – the latest 2017 UN Emissions Gap … Read more

Rate of CO2 rise is accelerating and hits new high

Greenhouse Gas Bulletin

In a world where we clearly need to be reducing our CO2 emissions, the observation that CO2 levels are rising at an accelerated rate is not exactly good news, but unfortunately that is exactly what the latest WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin tells us. On 30th October, the World Meteorological Organisation issued a press release “Greenhouse … Read more