The consensus on Climate change … is it really 97%? – #Climate

Often discussions on Climate Change will have the observation that there is a 97% consensus that it is all quite real, and since that message is getting out it is very often quoted … Ever so slight flaw, in reality it is not 97% of scientists who agree, and so that prompts a few questions such … Read more

Climate Change: Sucking the sun dry

We have a global agreement for dealing with Climate Change, and as I’m sure you are already aware, that agreement was (perhaps as expected) reached in Paris. As described in Mother Jones … officials from more than 190 countries swept aside monumental differences and agreed to an unprecedented global deal to tackle climate change. The … Read more

Climate Change – #COP21 starts today

#COP21 is here Starting today, something very very important for the entire human species is happening, the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) will take place from 30 November to 11 December 2015 in Paris le Bourget, France. Precise details are here. Their information hub is also here. It is going … Read more

Climate Change: The Melting ice in Greenland

I’m going to ask just 3 questions about the Melting Ice due to Climate change … Exactly how much melting ice occurred in Greenland during the summer of 2015? Do we observe sea level rising each and every year? What happens if all the ice melts, how high will sea level reach? Exactly how much Melting Ice … Read more

Claim: Mathematical discovery by Perth-based electrical engineer may change everything about the climate debate

Now don’t get excited, the above title comes from an Australian paper that is promoting a claim that is quite frankly BS, and this is not simply your ordinary BS, it has been dressed up to come across as credible … A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in … Read more