New Global Report is a shock
Latest IEA report reveals that global CO2 emissions are still rapidly climbing and not falling. This has rather dire implications for us all.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Latest IEA report reveals that global CO2 emissions are still rapidly climbing and not falling. This has rather dire implications for us all.
Evidence has been growing to indicate that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which is something more popularly referred to as the Gulf Stream, is slowing down. What we do also know is that this ocean circulation system plays an important role in the regulation of the climate in both Europe and also the Arctic, … Read more
One startling observation is that the vast majority of Evangelicals within the US reject the idea that climate change is real. However, there is some hope. A new study reveals that an evangelical mind can be changed if clear factual information is presented by somebody who is an insider. They simply get presented with what … Read more
Coffee really is good for you.
A new study reveals that several substances in Coffee inhibit the growth of prostrate cancer cells. This opens doors for new the development of new treatments.
Let’s start by clarifying exactly what Golden Rice is. Once we have that under our belt we will then move on to some of the various claims surrounding it and identify what is fact and what is anti-GMO propaganda. What is “Golden Rice”? “Golden Rice” is the term used to describe a variety of rice … Read more
Shocking new UN environment report – The Arctic is now locked into a destructive degree of climate change regardless of what measures are taken to halt global greenhouse gas emissions.