Why do people believe in a Flat Earth?
A Recent talk at AAAS reveals an insight into why there are some who sincerly believe that planet earth is flat.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
A Recent talk at AAAS reveals an insight into why there are some who sincerly believe that planet earth is flat.
Various media stories have popped up reporting the idea that global warming will lead to the destruction of clouds, and that in turn would then lead to greatly accelerated warming. For example … USA Today: Climate change could zap clouds, bake the Earth even more In a word … yikes! What is even more scary … Read more
At the recent AAAS meeting Dr Genevera Allen gave a talk in which she highlights a rather interesting problem that specifically relates to the use of machine learning. Sitting between our ears is a pattern seeking engine that can and will at times identify false positives. We build in our own image and so we … Read more
The oft quoted quip that gets trotted out on a regular basis by some of those that reject the concept of human caused climate change is that a long time ago the climate was once a lot warmer in the Arctic and that in that distant past there were Crocodiles and Palm trees there. Is … Read more
The news is that the Trump administration has broken off talks with California about emissions standards … The Trump administration … is on track to roll back standards set by President Barack Obama, the White House said Thursday. Er yes, if the White House is a source for anything, almost anything at all, you can … Read more
The current US administration does not do honesty, integrity, nor is informed evidence-based decision making on the agenda. Trump’s own personal stance on Climate Change is well-known as one that is robustly founded upon exactly zero credible evidence, hence it should not be a surprise to observe that his various appointments consist of those that … Read more