Are GMO’s bad, does low cancer amongst Amish prove that?

Living a rather isolated lifestyle from the rest of us are the Amish community.  They are a religious group generally located in Pennsylvania as a result of an 18th century migration, and numbers at roughly 220,000 individuals. Natural News (yes “that” Natural News) has been using them to assert a claim in the context of the observation that … Read more

Is Integrative medicine credible or quackery?

A term that you might have come across is “Integrative Medicine”, and if so then you might perhaps be wondering what this actually is. Google it and you find that the Wikipedia article sums it up quite distinctly like this … Integrative medicine, which is also called integrated medicine and integrative health in the United Kingdom,[1] combines alternative medicine with evidence-based medicine. Practitioners claim that … Read more

John Horgan Expresses his skepticism of skeptics at NECSS, a skeptics conference

If you are plugged into the skeptical community then you might have become aware of the talk given by science journalist John Horgan at the Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism (NECSS) last weekend. It was (I’ll be polite) rather controversial. Others used different terms, for example Orac refers to is as a “self-congratulatory wank” After the … Read more

How do your persuade people who are immune to facts?

If you have ever spent more than  2 minutes on social media then you will have discovered that there are people out there who are not simply wrong, but also demonstrate a complete immunity to little things like facts. Absurd notions prevail that range from medical quackery being promoted as the best, and science (the … Read more

How can you spot a real psychic?

Over in New York the news is that a ring of fake psychics has been shutdown. As reported here … There is no future for a phony psychic network thanks to the federal prosecutors. A Long Island-based marketing group, its direct-mail accomplices, and two self-professed clairvoyants are now barred from using the U.S. mail to dupe … Read more

The needless death of a young Ezekiel Stephan

You might, or perhaps might not be aware that the trial of David Stephan and his wife Collet Stephan is now over and that they were found guilty of “failing to provide their ill son with the necessaries of life“. Ezekiel Stephan, pictured above, tragically contracted meningitis, and his parents then proceeded to try and treat him with remedies … Read more