#ParisAttacks – The root cause was Islamism

Many words will flow as a result of Paris, and so hopefully most of those words will give expression to our empathy and humanity … sorrow, anguish, disgust, grief, and much more, and yet there is also a danger that other words will arise and be deployed unjustly against entire communities. I’ve been there and have not … Read more

UK’s NHS to Blacklist homeopathy .. hopefully.

This has been announced by the Good Thinking Society … Simon Singh and the Good Thinking Society have today welcomed the decision of the Department of Health to consult on adding homeopathic remedies to the NHS ‘Blacklist’.  Following a proposed judicial review by the Good Thinking Society(1), the Department of Health have announced a consultation to … Read more

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Guns, and Statistics

Neil deGrasse Tyson has a few tweets that have ended up upsetting the pro-gun lobby with some rather uncomfortable statistics … 9/11 had a huge impact, and the response was the US (and others) invading Iraq for some very dubious reasons, and yet when you compare the response to terrorism with the response to the ongoing tide of fatalities … Read more

John Lewis embraces the dark side – #ManOnTheMoon

Let’s make this 100% clear, this is not a commentary on John Lewis in any way, but rather is about how people sometimes react to the mainstream media. So the context is this, every Christmas in the UK, John Lewis produce a heart warming advertisement that is designed to tug at the heart strings and … Read more

Study Results: Religion makes kids less compassionate and more intolerant

A few articles have been popping up about a new study that reports the discovery that kids raised without god are far more altruistic and compassionate than kids raised with god. This appears odd (to some) and might perhaps be a surprise, primarily because there exists a popular perception that religion is all about love, kindness, and compassion … Read more

Preacher Gives a Familiar Speech Against Gay Rights, but With a Surprising Twist

This is not a new story, but rather is an old one that dates back to 2012. The Friendly Atheist has been highlighting some of his older postings on Facebook, and while this goes back a few years, it was new to me. The context is a council meeting in Springfield, Missouri where testimony is being offered … Read more