Marketing Scams: Misleading GMO claims
The FDA in the US has formally issued guidance regarding the misleading “no GMO” claims that appears on the lables of some products.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
The FDA in the US has formally issued guidance regarding the misleading “no GMO” claims that appears on the lables of some products.
We know that others can be prone to believeing Fake News. How can we be confidence that we also have not done exactly the same?
The city of Miami is very vunerable to the rising sea. In the context of climate change, how do those that live there view it?
Latest IEA report reveals that global CO2 emissions are still rapidly climbing and not falling. This has rather dire implications for us all.
The release of the 2018 General Social Survey (GSS) data reveals that the largest religious demographic is now the Nones at 23.1%.
CNN reveals anti-vaxers have been harassing parents of children who died of vaccine preventable illnesses because it conflicts their beliefs.