Why do people believe 9/11 conspiracies?


I’ve tended to fall into the habit of saying something regarding 9/11 when the anniversary comes around. It is imprinted upon my memory and I can still recall where I was when I was first told what was happening. The Conspiracy There are specific things we do know. The events are well documented, I need not … Read more

September 8th – Rise for Climate

rise for climate

Tomorrow, Sept 8th, is Rise for Climate day. The weekend of 8-9 Sept will see people all around the world getting together to hold events under the banner of Rise for Climate. This is grassroots movement seeking a fossil fuel free world. Is there an event near me? Probably yes. There are over 600 events taking … Read more

Pew have a new way of measuring what you believe

religious survey

Often a survey or poll will ask you to tick an option such as those illustrated above. Many will dutifully respond and tick the option that best describes their cultural heritage. This however says nothing at all about what people actually believe, but instead perhaps reflects their ethnic or cultural heritage. If you want to … Read more

Poll: Substantial majority of Scottish people are not religious and not spiritual

nones scottish belief

When people discard a mainstream religion such as Catholicism or Baptist, they often retain some belief. On a poll or census they might identify as “None” because none of the boxes available truly describes them. This gives rise to the term “nones”. If you chat with them, then you will discover that they might indeed … Read more

Bruno and Bob signed up for a predatory conference

predatory conferences

You are perhaps familiar with the concept of predatory science journals. This is where a supposedly peer-reviewed journal will publish scientific articles, but will in reality publish anything as long as you are willing to pay them a high fee. The range of these runs from those that are simply poor quality all the way … Read more

Why are people who once believed rejecting religion?


Pew has just published further insights into the rise of the religiously unaffiliated in the US. Moving beyond the data observation that that there is a growing demographic of “nones” (not religious), then picked a randomly selected group of people who had previously identified as a none and asked them why they chose to not … Read more