Fox News and Alex Jones Are Being Sued for Conspiracy Mongering

Alex Jones

Both Fox News and also Alex Jones have a rather well-known reputation for being promoters of fiction as fact. If either of them are your only news sources, or are simply your primary news sources then it is distinctly probably that your grasp upon reality and facts is, and will continue to be, rather elusive. … Read more

Happy Pi day, sad Pi day


Today is Pi day. A day on which Einstein was born and the great Stephen Hawking passed away. Since the mathematical constant π (pi) is 3.1415926535897932384626433… and today’s date is 14th March … or in US notation, 3.14 then it is Pi day. First organised by physicist Larry Shaw in 1988 at the San Francisco Exploratorium, it … Read more

Disruptive Innovation coming to your smartphone soon


Starlink is coming. The one constant that persists is change. We constantly tweak and refine what we have, and so it is perhaps inevitable that change will continue to persist and disrupt. One news item popped up recently concerning SpaceX and how what they are doing has the potential to impact us all in a … Read more

Why are some more Vulnerable to Fake News

fake news

For some reason some people appear to be more susceptible to not only absorbing Fake News, but when confronted with evidence that corrects the misinformation, the Fake News tends to stick a bit. Study: Fake news’: Incorrect, but hard to correct A recent study entitled “‘Fake news’: Incorrect, but hard to correct. The role of cognitive … Read more

Trolling the right-wing with @arguetron – #bots


I was posting yesterday about how to spot bots. That is perhaps an important skill to develop because we live in an age where bots with a very specific malicious intent are being deployed to deceive and manipulate you by masquerading as a human. They promote extreme ideas, not because it is one that those behind … Read more

Are all your Twitter friends human? #bots and #botnets


You may indeed have Twitter Bots that are following you or that you follow that are openly and transparently bots. These are the  harmless ones run by a piece of software, and exist to provide a useful service. Examples include PoetryBot, CloudVision (A Photo Bot), or simply News Bot to tweet out headlines. Generally nobody has … Read more