Trolling the right-wing with @arguetron – #bots


I was posting yesterday about how to spot bots. That is perhaps an important skill to develop because we live in an age where bots with a very specific malicious intent are being deployed to deceive and manipulate you by masquerading as a human. They promote extreme ideas, not because it is one that those behind … Read more

Are all your Twitter friends human? #bots and #botnets


You may indeed have Twitter Bots that are following you or that you follow that are openly and transparently bots. These are the  harmless ones run by a piece of software, and exist to provide a useful service. Examples include PoetryBot, CloudVision (A Photo Bot), or simply News Bot to tweet out headlines. Generally nobody has … Read more

Cancer patients using alternative medicine face greatly increased risk of death

alternative medicine

A study was published last year that highlights and underlines the impact of alternative medicine for cancer patients. It is worth reviewing it in order to appreciate that opting for alternative medicine instead of the conventional is a very bad idea. What the study reveals is that if you decide to use alternative medicine as a replacement … Read more

Does “Ultra Processed” food really cause cancer?

Ultra Processed

Various  reputable media outlets are reporting the news that a study has been published that links the consumption of “Ultra processed” foods to cancer. For example … BBC – Ultra-processed foods ‘linked to cancer’ The Guardian – Ultra-processed foods may be linked to cancer, says study Even the UK’s National Health Service has published guidance – Ultra-processed foods … Read more

Skyrocketing Atheism Seen Among America’s Teens


The source for Today’s news comes, not from an impartial poll, but rather is sourced from a poll by Barna, an evangelical Christian polling firm based in Ventura, California. To be honest, given their specific bias, I’d be inclined to take any polling results they might advance on any topic, no matter how much I … Read more

There is a new college degree in quackery


Radio Canada Internation reports the reactions being made by many in response to a new course that offers to train you in quackery.  They are not alone, other have deployed similar criticism. The course on offer is Homeopathy … Starting this fall, Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario, will offer a diploma in homeopathy, a practice the critics … Read more