Do Cell Phones cause Cancer?

cell phones cause cancer

Over the years various health-scare stories have popped up regarding the supposed dangers of cell-phone radiation causing cancer. This plays very much into the observation that literally billions of humans now use cell phones and so if the danger is real then that is something that we should not only understand but come to terms … Read more

Debunking: the non-religious are smarter than the religious

religious intelligence

A couple of days ago the UK’s Independent, and several other media outlets, have promoted this claim … Religious people are, on average, less intelligent than atheists, researchers claim.  To be clear, this posting is not simply a dig at the Independent. Other outlets ran with the same story. The International Business Times very explicitly … Read more

What do we learn from a new Study on the consumption of Fake News?

fake news

A formal study entitled “Selective Exposure to Misinformation: Evidence from the consumption of fake news during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign” has been published this month. Just to be totally clear here, the term is a reference to misinformation – news that is presented as true, but is instead partially or wholly false, and so … Read more

What exactly is Fake News?

fake news

If asked to defined the term “Fake News” then like many of you I would have suggested that this describes a story that is presented as “True” but is not. It turns out that this is wrong and that to me was a great surprise. A recent Gallop poll has revealed something I had not … Read more

Christianity Is Not Turning Green

environmental belief green

Do you consider your attitude towards the environment to be green to one degree or another? There is an article within Scientific American that highlights that US Christians have not really changed their environmental views over the last two decades. The basis for this article is a new study that examined many decades of gallop … Read more

Was Homeschooling the root problem in the House of Chains?


The horrific discovery that Californian parents David and Louise Turpin kept their 13 children imprisoned, chained, and malnourished inside their small home has shocked many. What has perhaps not been a surprise is that two words have popped up. These are “deeply religious” and also “homeschooled”. These are easy answers that are at times often … Read more