Michael Wolff’s Lawyer tells Trump to F**k off

fire and fury

As you are no doubt aware, Michael Wolf’s book, Fire and Fury, has resulted in a lawyer representing Mr Trump sending him a “Cease and Desist” letter  on 4th Jan.. “Your publication of the false/baseless statements about Mr. Trump gives rise to, among other claims, defamation by libel, defamation by libel, defamation by libel per … Read more

Top 3 Items of Religious Weirdness in 2017

religious weirdness trump support

Normally, once per week, I write up a posting that spotlights my personal selection of the top three items of religiously inspired weirdness that happened during the past seven days. Today however, for rather obvious reasons, I’m looking back over the past calendar year to pick out the top three items of religious weirdness. Rather … Read more

Unto Us a Child is Born: Exactly when were the Gospels written?


Given the date, it is perhaps appropriate and traditional to mull over some seasonal aspect. For this year, I’d like to ask a question regarding the timing of the authorship of the Gospels. These are the alpha sources for much of our cultural inheritance. I’m not going to simply quote some dates at you, nor … Read more

How do you persuade an Anti-Vaxer to change their mind?


From last August there is a great Canadian article that lays out a good way to effectively communicate to people who have serious doubts about vaccines. It is worth reading in full, but since they have proposed seven steps, I’d like to chime on and comment on each myself. There was and still is a … Read more