Why am I seeing (((brackets))) around names in twitter?

If you surf twitter then you might have noticed something odd is going on. Some users have taken to putting (((brackets))) around their twitter name, and so you might be wondering what that is all about. Perhaps you dismissed it as a bit of vanity and that people were simply trying to make their name stand out within … Read more

Janet Street-Porter shocked by facts … and so dismisses them

I was writing a few days ago about the recent survey that revealed that the people who do not have a religious belief in the UK are now up to 48.5% and so outnumber the biggest religious belief, Christianity, which is only 44%. As you might anticipate, some who are religious are a tad upset about … Read more

Is Integrative medicine credible or quackery?

A term that you might have come across is “Integrative Medicine”, and if so then you might perhaps be wondering what this actually is. Google it and you find that the Wikipedia article sums it up quite distinctly like this … Integrative medicine, which is also called integrated medicine and integrative health in the United Kingdom,[1] combines alternative medicine with evidence-based medicine. Practitioners claim that … Read more

Are there really more Atheists than Christians in the UK?

So the news … as reported via Sky and many others is this … Atheist Numbers Surge In England And Wales Research says that the Anglican and Catholic churches are failing to hold on to those brought up as Christians. According to new research, around 48.5% of those surveyed in 2015 said they had no … Read more

Is Salt Good for you?

The UK’s Lancet no less has published a paper in which they conclude that very low salt intake is bad for you … Associations of urinary sodium excretion with cardiovascular events in individuals with and without hypertension: a pooled analysis of data from four studies (Side note: sorry, they have a paywall there) We searched … Read more