It is hard to believe we live in a country whose president cages children and frees terrorists. Not to mention we now abandon our allies.
One rather startling wingnut characteristic is a willingness to knowingly and deliberately lie in order to manipulate people. We have multiple examples of this from the past week. Paula White was claiming that unless you vote for Trump then the alternative is that Bibles will be banned and that the laws are already in place in some states. Tim Wildmon makes a similar claim with the assertion is that the goal is for every Christian Church is to be shutdown.
The truth is that evangelical Christianity is indeed under threat. The enemy however is not the Democrats, most of them are also Christian. Nor is it some nefarious progressive plot. Instead the enemy they face is themselves. Screaming hypocrisy, gross intolerance, deep dishonesty and moral bankruptcy is the instrument of their own demise and decline.
If you doubt that this is so, then check the latest numbers from Pew this past week. Belief is in rapid decline and the Nones are rapidly rising in number. The big headline in 2015 was the decline of Christianity from from 78.4% to 70.6% and the increase of Nones to 22.3%. This latest update reveals a further dramatic drop of Christianity to 65% along with a corresponding rise of the Nones to 26%.
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
Here is this week’s select of gems …
The Cult of Trump …
- Pro-Trump ‘Prophet’ Lance Wallnau Planning ‘Glorious Chaos’ Tour in 2020
- Tom Horn: Trump Is a Victim of the Same ‘Dark Occultism’ That Attacked Jesus …”what is happening in Washington, D.C., is exactly how Jesus Christ defined it; it is satanic, it is dark occultism.“
- Where exactly in the bible did Jesus do that?
- Bryan Fischer defends President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria because … “the only way to permanently pacify any part of the Muslim world is to colonize it and put Westerners in charge.”
- Paula White: Christians Must Vote For Trump Because His Judges Won’t Let States Outlaw the Bible
- Actual evidence that anybody would ban bibles? – zero – she is playing the fear card to manipulate the gullible. She went on to claim that laws are already in place. Lying for Jesus is her thing so that people will vote for the fraudster-in-chief
Dancing on the grave of Elijah Cummings …
- ‘God Had Had Enough’: Chris McDonald Says God Killed Rep. Elijah Cummings for Opposing Trump
- Jesse Lee Peterson on the Passing of Rep. Elijah Cummings: ‘That’s What Happens When You Mess With The Great White Hope’
- Dave Daubenmire declares that Rep. Elijah Cummings was “an enemy of the cross.”
Impeachment “Experts”…
- Bill Deagle thinks that President Donald Trump should shut down the impeachment inquiry by declaring martial law and putting Democratic leaders in prison.
- ‘We Are Witnesses to a Coup’: Trump Supporters Rally Against Impeachment in D.C.
Free and Fair Election “Experts” …
- Josh Bernstein says that anyone who votes for the Democratic candidate in 2020 should have their citizenship revoked
Homophobia on Steroids …
- Tim Wildmon says that … “the secular progressives in this country will not be satisfied until they close down every Christian church in America and any organization that does not bow their knee to homosexuality.”
- Franklin Graham declares that he will never … “bow down at the altar of the LGBTQ agenda nor worship their rainbow pride flag.”
- On Breitbart’s nighttime radio program, Ann Coulter predicted that if Sen. Elizabeth Warren is elected president in 2020, … “suddenly she’d forget all about the Wall Street stuff, and it would just be pedal to the metal on transgenders.”
- Alex McFarland is calling on … “Christian educators everywhere to courageously stand against the darkness of this hour and for the truth of God’s Word. Homosexuality is a sin. Trandgenderism is false. Abortion is murder.”
- None of what he claims is factual. What is a fact is his intolerance and homophobia.
Climate “Experts” …
- Michele Bachmann: Climate Change Is a Fraud Because ‘God Says We Will Never Be Flooded’ … “And what is it these frauds tells us with climate change? That the world’s going to be flooded. Isn’t it interesting they’re saying it’s going to be another catastrophe, it’s flooding, we’re going to be flooded? God says we will never be flooded.”
For some, reality is a foreign unexplored land …
- Liz Crokin is convinced that Rachel Maddow is wearing a medical boot not to heal from an ankle injury but to hide the tracking monitor placed on her after being arrested for being “a deep state puppet.”
- Rick Wiles claims that ISIS was nothing more than a mercenary army made up of “genetically modified” soldiers and was created by the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.
Religious Grifter gets another Religious Grifter to help out …
- Paula White tells Christians that they “are mandated by God” to send thousands of dollars to help Jim Bakker build a new TV studio, asserting that their donations will be counted by “a Department of Treasury in Heaven” and will influence their eternal reward.
- This is the same Jim Bakker who went to Jail for religious fraud. It was the very earthly Department of the Treasury that was very interested in his finances last time around.
… and she was really putting the emotional blackmail squeeze on …
- Paula White says that even if you are down to your last meal, God expects you to donate money to help Jim Bakker build his new TV studio. And know that if you don’t, your dreams will die.
Mark Taylor …
- Mark Taylor Says His Critics Are ‘Driven by Demonic Forces’ …”Taylor, who has repeatedly warned that those who mock or criticize him are literally putting their lives at risk because God will strike them down for disrespecting his prophetic calling, said that some people are “obsessed” with attacking him because they are controlled by a Jezebel spirit.“
- By “Attack” he means that people are laughing at him for having a prophetic track record of being 100% wrong all the time. He is actually a paranoid right-wing grifter running a con game.
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
- Catholic Institute Posts List of 11 Leaders Credibly Accused of Child Sex Abuse
- Secretary Mike Pompeo Goes Full Christian on U.S. State Department Homepage
- The Catholic Church is Seriously Selling a $110 “Click to Pray” Wearable Rosary
- Trump Adds Author of Illuminati Books to “Presidential Scholars” Post
- Christian Rapper Walks Out of “The Addams Family” Movie Due to Demonic Elements
- If The Addams Family is too blasphemous for him, maybe going out isn’t his thing.
- Many Contemporary Christian Singers Are Avoiding Politics During the Trump Era
Finally, let’s end with by pointing out once again that really good news …
- Pew Survey: Christianity is in “Rapid” Decline While “Nones” Continue Growing
Given the obnoxious intolerant behaviour and gross hypocrisy of many of the religious, is anybody really surprised?
And Islam?