Greenland: Warming Seas Accelerating Glacier Retreat
Greenland and Antarctica have been losing ice mass at a combined average rate of 427 billion metric tons (BMT) per year since 2002.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Greenland and Antarctica have been losing ice mass at a combined average rate of 427 billion metric tons (BMT) per year since 2002.
The @GretaThunberg Effect” is now an empirically demonstrated, peer-reviewed phenomenon. Paper in Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
New Study: Global Ice Loss on Pace to Drive Worst-Case Sea Level Rise – could rise 8,2 feet by 2100. Doing nothing not an option. #climate
Masks and social distancing will need to continue into the foreseeable future – face masks are now the new social normal.
This is a selection of the idiots from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
What has been happening with #QAnon believers over the past week, what new insights of utter lunacy do we have from the mythlogical Q-verse?